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Stone life cycles and 
old quarries rehabilitation
(Vosges case study)

Within a framework of enhancement of local heritage, better management of resources and the development of construction principles with a relatively low carbon footprint, the project consists of rethinking the life cycles of stone and the management of stone quarries, by bringing together stakeholders in the sector into a place of pooling, crafting and experiments: the RoCab.

The renewal of the stone sector, in difficulty in the face of imports, works by a close relationship between the two stone and quarry entities, a transformation of their life cycles potentially infinities as well as a connection between actors to recreate a global dynamic of experimentation and production. There is a need to create a multifunctional space, a platform called the RoCab: roc for the stone and cab for cabinet, in reference to place of work and exchange but also to cabinets of curiosities where we experiment.
It could be built in a closed or abandoned stone quarry and will serve several activities: experimentation on quarries life cycles, their transformations and possible evolutions. Storage spaces could be rented by companies. Workshops will be made available to individuals and craftsmen if they need materials specific to their work. One sorting space near storage spaces will allow the progressive development of stone recycling (reusing). An area in conjunction with schools surrounding the sector will allow  apprentices and professionals to exchange and develop new skills. And finally the whole will be governed by an experimental laboratory. 

9,000 m2 – Maximum annual cutting 8,000 m3 (+11% regional)
    15 permanent employees + occasional artisans + apprentices + industry players during meetings
Cost of the building + machinery: €16 million (1.4% of the economic development budget of the Grand Est region) - Annual turnover €4-8 million

More precisely in our territory of study, I chose to set it up in the town of the Syndicate 8km from Remiremont. It occupies a central position between
different towns. On the other hand, the city lies near stone resources: limestone, granite and pink sandstone. We can therefore work on it and experiment these three singular stones, in connection with local craftsmen, factories and construction sites.


His first pitch of experimentation will be the career of Saint-Amé located a few kilometers away. This granite quarry active since 1994 has an interesting morphology, in the middle of the forest and by the side of a mountain. Droughts are more and more frequent, the forest
has major management problems especially in the choice of its essences and finally the town of Saint-Amé located below regularly experiences
floods. That's why she could starting today the first steps of rehabilitation of the quarry, while remaining active and become a useful place for the territory in its whole.
Through a series of landscape operations, which will evolve over time depending on first results, the career could quickly become an important reserve of water and a study area for the reception of different ecosystems.
These operations will accompany the progression of quarrying, north and east until it stops in 30 years. This first scenario would eventually allow to have a water reserve of 280,000m3, which is the annual consumption of 2300 residents. It would naturally fill by the flow of rainwater, using the topography. Planted peninsulas will provide shade and, combined with a aerator, will limit water evaporation and the formation of algae. On the banks there will be a wetland, to the north the creation of a new test wood for new tree species, and faults in the rock will welcome bats, insects and other animals.

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